Immigrate To Canada As Farm Worker

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Canada Farm Worker

Canada’s Agri-Food Immigration Pilot

To be eligible for Canada’s Agri-Food Immigration Pilot, foreign workers must meet five eligibility requirements:

  1. have qualifying work experience
  2. have a qualifying job offer
  3. meet or exceed the minimum language requirements (Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) 
  4. meet or exceed the educational requirements
  5. prove you have enough money to settle in the community

Qualifying Work Experience

You must have at least one year Canadian work experience (at least 1,560 hours in the past three years). This Canadian work experience must be:

  • Non-seasonal;
  • In an eligible occupation within an eligible industry; and
  • Through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (it must have been supported by an LMIA with a minimum 12-month duration).

Qualifying Job Offer

You must have a genuine job offer from a Canadian employer. This job offer must:

·       Be in an eligible occupation in an eligible industry;

·       Be full-time, non-seasonal, and permanent;

·       The wage must meet or exceed the Job Bank’s prevailing wage for your job offer’s occupation in the province of employment (or at the national level if no provincial rate is available); and

·       Be in Canada but outside the province of Quebec. The Agri-Food Immigration Pilot does not include the province of Quebec, which has its own immigration system. 


Canada Farm Worker program

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Fоundеd іn 1998, Маstеr’s Асаdеmу іs аn іntеrnаtіоnаllу rесоgnіzеd оrgаnіzаtіоn аррrоvеd bу thе Міnіstrу оf External аffаіrs Gоvеrnmеnt оf Іndіа. Wіth оffісеs іn Іndіа, UАЕ, Ѕіngароrе аnd Саnаdа, wеrе dеfіnе thе wау tо рrоvіdе Іmmіgrаtіоn Ѕеrvісеs аnd Саrееr Guіdаnсе.

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